martes, 10 de diciembre de 2019

I Am Thankful That It Is Almost Christmas Time!

Hello everyone

I am so grateful that our Thanksgiving event and decorations were a success. I had a great Friends-giving* in Lucena, and it was potluck* style so we had an abundance of food! It was great to be surrounded by friends as I did get bit a homesick. Thanksgiving is a special holiday for me, because it is when I spend quality time with my family or friends. However, I was able to reflect on how thankful I am to be at such a great school, have amazing teachers, many friends and the opportunity to live in an amazing country and city. Every day I am grateful to have made the choice to follow my passion to teach and explore the beautiful life and culture of Spain.

*Friends-giving: It is Thanksgiving, but you celebrate it with your friends instead of your family.
**Potluck: A communal gathering where guests bring a homemade dish of food to be shared

Christmas is around the corner...

I can't believe that it is almost Christmas time and that I have been in Spain for almost 3 months now. This past weekend I enjoyed my puente in Jerez de la Frontera. It really felt like Christmas as the lights were everywhere, zambombas, and people all around me. 

Besides Thanksgiving, Christmas is the biggest holiday in America. Black Friday begins the season of crazy sales and people shopping everywhere for Christmas presents. Christmas in America is focused on presents, decorations, Santa Claus and family. Christmas is also a time to remember those families who cannot afford to get their children presents and appreciate all that we have (home, clothes, food, etc.). It is common for people to donate used or new toys, canned foods and clothing to families in need. 

This year for Christmas, my family will actually be flying to Malaga from Florida, U.S.A. to spend the holidays with me in Andalucia! I am so excited to see my family and show them around the magical cities that surround Lucena. My family is very small, because all of my extended family is in Mexico. Although we usually have a very simple Christmas, we love to decorate and just enjoy the time we have together. Here are some pictures I found of Christmas when I was a child and a recent one with my family.


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