I thought I would write a little about friendships for you all. The truth is that whilst I am here in Spain I really miss all of my friends from back home in the UK. I am fortunate because i have an amazing group of friends from all over the UK. I have met these people throughout my life; some at university through dance, some through charity work and some on my course. But i also have friends that I have grown up with, we've been through a lot together.
I have 4 best friends at home and they are really amazing and special people in my life. They always support me, have my back no matter what and make me laugh. They're the people I can cry and laugh with, they're with me through the fantastic times and the tough times. I'm not sure what I would do without my friends, they're the family we get to choose! 💕
I'm also very lucky to have made some great friends whilst being here in Spain, I didn't expect to meet so many super lovely people, and for that I'm very grateful. I think we meet people in our life for a reason and some of them become some of your best friends when you least expect it. It's great having new friends from different countries, of different ages and with different interests because I have learnt lots of new things, been given some amazing life advice and enjoyed myself. The friends I have made here have helped me to enjoy my time here even more and have given me strength in the moments when being abroad and away from home isn't the best year of your life (everybody always says that living abroad for a year will not compare to any other year in your life) I'm lucky that I can make friends in new places, but as my dad always said to me: 'you attract the people you want to attract and if you're nice to people they'll be nice back, kindness gets your a long way in life. Oh, and never ever judge someone before you give them a chance' I think friendships are about finding people you click with and feel comfortable around, even if it isn't always plain sailing!
I think friendships are one of the most important things to have in life, and I've learnt this a lot more recently! Friends are the people you can argue with and fall out with but then realise you can't live without and everything always goes back to normal. They are people that inspire you every day and know more than you do about yourself and your life. They are something that need to be cherished, because although I like alone time, my friends make the world a better place. I'm at an age where I'm meeting lots of new people in many aspects of my life and also drifting away from some people too, but I think as humans we constantly change and sometimes we just have to remember the memories we shared with people we once called our best friends, and remember what they added to our life. What do you think makes a good friend? Do you think friendships are important?
As I am getting older I realise that true friends will always stick by you and that it's more about quality than quantity!

Lissy I loved reading you and I agree with you in everything you said about friendship. Good friends are hard to find but they might be closer than you think, as it happened with you;) Thanks for letting me appear in your pictures, even if that day I had a 'bad hair day', remember?:D
ResponderEliminarHave only just seen this comment and worked out how to view it, you may not have been right about me not being able to log in,but you were right about my inadequacy with technology! 😅😅 Good friends definitely are closer than you think, and you never know where the next friendship will come from and who with or on what level; and that's what makes it exciting. You're welcome, and let's just blame the wind for the bad hair day hahaha