martes, 18 de enero de 2022

Traveling and Travel Goals!

    One of my main goals during my time as a Language Assistant is to travel around Spain and the rest of Europe. Traveling is a great way to learn about other people and their culture, and it shows you what makes your country unique. 

    Since being in Spain, I have taken trips all around Andalucía. I love Andalucía because of the architecture and the weather. My favorite part about the culture is that people spend a lot of time outside and love to socialize with others. This is very different than Chicago. There, it is cold and we stay indoors a lot. 

      A great time to travel is when there is a break from school. During Christmas break, my boyfriend came to visit me here and we went to Málaga, Córdoba, and Seville. I also showed him around Lucena. Our favorite city is Seville because of the beautiful river! 

    During the New Year, it is fun to set new goals for yourself. My goal for 2022 is to travel to Paris, France and London, England

Do you have any travel goals? I would love to hear about them!

I hope you get to go somewhere new this year! 


Córdoba Mezquita

The Giralda in Seville

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