miércoles, 17 de diciembre de 2014



We still have to wait for a week until we can celebrate Christmas, but at our Clara Campoamor School we can already feel its atmosphere. Our students made these wonderful Christmas cards for the traditional Christmas contest launched by the English Department. 
The first prize was a real masterpiece with engraved wood.

This was the second prize, which was very artistic.

And last, but not least, the third prize, with very high craft value.

Here you can have an overview of almost all the Christmas cards which participated in the contest:

And more nice things...

Our "library assistants" (students who volunteer for the library during the break) organised this beautiful pine tree made with the hands of (almost) all the students in our school. The hands contain fragments of Christmas carols in different languages and the presents at the bottom make the whole piece most cheerful. This activity was coordinated by the teacher Cristina Llamas.

Our EBE (Special Basic Education) students also participated in the Christmas decoration. They built this wonderful fireplace with Christmas tree, Christmas stockings, Christmas cards, Santa and Nativity Scene included. This activity was coordinated by the teachers Tomás Pérez and Olga Cid.

Our students at 1ºFPB (Basic Vocational Training) designed this shop window with the products they are selling during this Christmas season campaign. They have set up a little non-profit company (Regalos Clara S.C.A.) where they can put into practice the marketing abilities they are learning. This activity was coordinated by the teacher Mª Carmen Peñaloza. No doubt they did a very good job, and the shop window makes the School hall very cute!

miércoles, 10 de diciembre de 2014



Christmas is coming and so I didn't want to miss the the opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas to you and your family and a Happy New Year. 

jueves, 27 de noviembre de 2014

PE resources for the term project

As you know, you must find information about cultural events related to the musical instrument in the projects. Those cultural events could be based into the different kinds of dances, made with the mentioned instrument. I will tell you some dances regarding to each instruments, as well as some website for finding the proper information.

You shuld describe the dance (definition) and write some places and times where it is practiced.

martes, 25 de noviembre de 2014


This was the slogan we used today for celebrating the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against women, and our students designed their own butterflies for sending a message to those victims affected by this type of violence. Find your butterfly!!

And always remember: STOP ANY KIND OF VIOLENCE!!

Origins of Marathon

As we saw in our last lesson, Marathon is one of the long distance events in athletics. In marathon, athletes must run 42,195 meters as fast as possible. The name of this race comes from de city of Marathon, the place Pheidippides came from towards Athens in order to annonce that the persians had been defeated by de greeks.

When Pierre de Coubertin founded the modern Olympic Games in 1896, he wanted to include a new event in Athletics, dedicated to the mentioned fact, calling it Marathon, as we know it now.

The world record in Marathon has been recently broken by Dennis Kimetto, from Kenya, finishing the race in 2:02:57 hours. That time means that Kimetto could arrive in Cabra from Plaza Nueva in less than 30 minutes. Amazing!

lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2014

Interesting link about Athletics

Here you have an interesting link about athletics. It is in spanish but it may help you to complete your notes. (click here)

miércoles, 12 de noviembre de 2014

Bonjour à tous,je m'appelle Loles,je suis la prof de français del Clara,je suis enchantée de travailler ici

domingo, 9 de noviembre de 2014


We have an oral exam about the four basic physical attributes soon. Remember that you must learn the four definitions and practice the pronunciation since it is very important for the exam.

Here you have the four definitions from text book (Strategy 2, Ed. Teide)

  • STAMINA: It is defined as the attribute that allows us to sustain physical exercise for a prolongued time and recover quickly after doing a physical activity.
  • SPEED: It is the ability to perform one or several movements at maximum intensity in the shortest time possible.
  • STRENGTH: It is the body's abilitiy to beat or overcome resistance using the tension produced in muscles by the contraction of muscle fibers.
  • FLEXIBILITY: It is defined as the maximum possible range of a specific joint during a movement.
Good luck!

lunes, 27 de octubre de 2014

Europe's Strongest Man 2014

Here you have (click here) the article about the strongest man in Europe for 2014. It is amazing how many kilograms some athletes can lift. Maybe you don't know who the strongest man in Spain is, his nickname is "El Porruo". I think that if Hulk was real, He would be "El Porruo"! Don't you think so? ;)

lunes, 20 de octubre de 2014


Last 26th September we celebrated EDL, European Day of Languages. Our students at 1st ESO did these nice CIL projects (CIL means "Curriculum Integrado de las Lenguas") about the 28 countries in the European Union and their languages, both in English and in French. 

And the best projects are...

By Rocío Lavela, María Muñoz, Araceli Ramírez and Laura Ramírez. 

By Carmen Morán, Araceli Pineda, Araceli Bermúdez and Araceli Ruiz. 

By Ana Jurado, María Hidalgo, Araceli Montes and Alicia Jiménez. 

By Manuel, Rafael, Pedro and Víctor from 1º D (contact me for surnames)

By Carmen Víbora, Alberto Arroyo, Antonio Jiménez, Adriana Leóna and Lucía Mejías. 

By Emilio López, Marta Pacheco, Laura Huertas, Ana Belén Rodríguez and Sofía Ruiz. 

By Magdalena Carmona and Clara Estepa 

(no names, contact me)

I hope you enjoyed these wonderful posters as I did.
See you soon!:)

domingo, 19 de octubre de 2014

Let's go to the mountains for a better training!

Now that you are studying landforms in Social Science, perhaps you would like to know why many athletes prefer to train at high altitudes, in the mountains.
As you know, we need oxygen continously, and so we need while doing physical activity. At high altitudes, there is less oxygen and our body must produce more red blood cells, in order to work properly. That increase of red blood cells makes us have better stamina when we are at home, near sea level. That is why those athletes train in Sierra Nevada or in other high mountains.

Another detail to consider is that almost everybody likes to listen to music while training. It seems that we hold better any effort while we keep our mind occupied, maybe listening to music.

So, if you want better results when training, consider doing that at high altitudes and listening to good music. 

jueves, 16 de octubre de 2014


Here you have the notes about warm up and cool down (click here) for the exam.

Also the notes about bones (here), muscles (here) and the joint diagram (here)

Good luck!

miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2014

Good Morning and thank you to all who participate. I look forward to having a great time.
Feel free to ask me anything that we can discuss in class. Manuel

martes, 7 de octubre de 2014

Sports and music in Ancient Greece

Maybe you think that sports are modern but they are actually as old as human beings, and so is music.

In Ancient Greece, people, teachers and students looked for perfection at all levels. That was what they called Areté. Since Sun was considered the main 'planet' in the Universe, Greek God Helios, the God of Sun had a lot of power and gave to his sons great skills at sports and music. For that reason, students had to study sports and music among other matters, in their way to Areté.

Mixing Areté and cult for their Gods, greek people took part in the Olympics, the biggest sports meeting in the whole world. Boxing, Pancracio (a sort of wrestling), pedestrian races, horse races, throwings were part of the Olympic program.

Not only sports, but also music was useful to reach Areté, because music powered students intelligence a lot. The sentence 'Mens sana in corpore sano' explains very well which was the way of thinking of the greeks.

Do you find interesting that way of thinking?

martes, 9 de septiembre de 2014


If you start studying at this school this year you'll be able to study social science, music and PE in English. You will also master the use of other languages such as Spanish and French through interesting and funny activities. It will be an amazing experience!! Are you ready for the adventure??