My name is Frida and I am 23 years old. I just graduated from the University of Oregon in the United States to be an Elementary Teacher.
I was originally born in Miami, Florida and both of my parents are Mexican. I have a younger brother named Maximiliano who is 12 years olds and a younger sister named Sophia who is 21 years old. Growing up in Florida meant going to the beach every weekend, eating a wide range of cuisine from Latino food to Asian food, and having sun all year round unless it was the summer, which is hurricane season! I loved growing up in Florida, but I am someone who enjoys change... and I was sick of the constant heat and humidity, as well as going to the beach or the mall all the time. So, I ventured into the west coast with my partner and we moved to Oregon. I have lived there for 4 years and do not regret a single thing. Oregon is full of life, nature and kind souls. I found many new passions such as exploring the outdoors, art, yoga and attempting to learn how to play the guitar. I took on many outdoor activities such as hiking, rock climbing, backpacking, white water rafting, kayaking and snowboarding. Although I am still an amateur at many of these activities, they are so exhilarating yet tranquil when it's just me and nature. Being in the outdoors has actually been proven to improve your mental health and it has helped me understand so much about how I view myself and the world. It's a time where you can disconnect from technology and just listen to your breath and the sounds of nature around you. This past summer I worked at a sleep-away summer camp, where I lived in a giant tent with 6 - 8 people for 3 months and my title was a camp counselor for kids 6-16 years old. It was challenging but very rewarding, as it was many of the kids first time being away from home and mine as well for such a long period of time. The kids were not allowed to bring technology and the wi-fi was very limited for staff, so we learned how to bond and communicate through lots of games, songs, and activities. Being an assistant teacher is the next step on my journey to becoming a future teacher and I hope I'm doing a good job so far ;)
It has been my dream to travel to Europe but I never would have imagined that I would find myself living in this mesmerizing town called Lucena. My residence in Eugene, Oregon has a population of 168,000 and I was a bit worried at first coming from a bigger city. However, after 1 month of living in Lucena it feels like home. I am blessed to have been chosen to come to Clara Campoamor, where the students are all so charismatic, intelligent, respectful, independent and have a great sense or humor. I have always wondered what it would be like to work in a high school or secondary school and I am exhilarated that I have the opportunity to do so now. As a future teacher, my goal is to ensure that students perceive learning as fun and find ways to continuously learn about themselves and the world around them. I am excited to see what the students take away at the end of this school year from my stay here in Lucena. I believe that we learn the most from other people's beliefs, culture, and ideas so that we as human beings can better understand one another and learn to accept and embrace our differences.
I hope to explore as much of Andalucia and its beauty this school year and I will report back on my travels.
Thank you for reading my first post and I will try to post as much as I can. I am truly so happy to be at your school and I can't wait to see everyone after the long holiday.
Happy Halloween // Feliz Dia de los Muertos